In einer Zeit, in der die meisten Urteile gefällt werden, ohne einen Ort, ein Projekt oder einen Menschen tatsächlich kennenzulernen, seien hier einige Empfehlungen von realen Couchsurfing-Gästen zitiert:
„I stayed at Wolf’s place for a few days. Sometimes I still remember this time- it was such a good coincidence that I’ve met him- you can really learn a lot, also about yourself, if you speak with Wolf. I was really amazed to meet the guy who also thinks that getting wiser means coming back to your childishness. I wish everyone would be like him- so open minded, free, worm, careful, tolerant, sensitive, compassionate- really without exaggerating :)“
„We envy Wolf, because he’s got one of the best looking space we’ve seen so far ;o) :o), we love him because he’s super nice, giving and friendly. We were lucky to meet him in Vienna and our time was so great in his company. Wolf is arty, calm, confident and a great friendly soul.“
„Traveling on Mars became a reality when you are at Wolf’s place. You’re diving in the world of his childhood dreaming there. Wolf is like shaman – wise man, who lives in harmony with nature and himself. He has exquisite feeling of world and people around. His magical music is still playing and lashers are keeping my soul from the falling down..“
„Wolf…How to write about him, if the words will not even a little bit describe his generousity and warmth. I felt like i was in a fairy-tale with magic bottles, piles of pillows, stars, spells, magic liquids and of course little frogs. Very relaxed atmosphere. The outstanding host. Wolf is weired in a good sense and i loved that very much.“
„Person like Wolf You can meet one in a million! Totally exceptional with his style and interests, open-minded and outspoken!“
„A brotherly soul. Friendly, open-minded, artistic man who spends his time in a meaningful way. It didn’t take long for me to like Wolf – and that’s not just me – he is very likeable :)“
„Had a very nice late breakfast on his balcony. We talked and talked and went to an art supplier afterwards. Wolf is a very nice person, openminded and a little crazy (just enough to be not boring hehe). He is full of interesting stories and a perfect host (self-grinded coffee and all sorts of yummy food).“
„ein sehr netter höflicher auch ruhiger mensch….etwas verrückt aber nur im positivsten sinne ;)“
„Wolf ist jemand den ich sehr gern mag und mich immer bei ihm wohlfühle, obwohl ich ihn weder lange kenne noch oft gesehen habe“
„Very interesting and special guy and a respectful, pleasant guest. Hope to meet him again.“
„I have known Wolf for a few years now, and he is a very good friend. He is very trustworthy, open minded, easy going and a fascinating personality. You shouldn’t miss out meeting this kind man.„
„It was very fun hanging out with Wolf.. pretty cool, witty guy with two long fingernails! :)))“
„I’ve often stayed at Wolfs place, he is a great person to know.“
„When i first heard his voice on the phone, i already liked him:-)very symphatic guy, we went for a walk together and had some nice chats…surely meet him again!“
„I love spending time Wolf, he is a gracious and fascinating person.“
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ich find schön und traurig wie schwer dir eigenwerbung fällt 😉